Monthly Archives: October 2012

12 years ago

Nothing to celebrate on IPRA’s 15th year, party-list says


Davao Today

“The IPRA law only served as a tool to legally plunder our ancestral lands. The law, in its present form, cannot provide the realization and attainment of our rights” — Francesca Tolentino, secretary general of the Katribu Partylist

12 years ago

MILF gets advice: seek active defense


By John Rizle L.Saligumba
Davao Today

Madlos said that the NDFP calls on other legitimate Moro armed groups and the Moro people to strengthen their struggle in two fronts. “First, in the assertion of basic human and political rights, persist and broaden the Moro mass movement by the thousands; and second, strengthen and further intensify the Moro armed revolutionary resistance against our common enemy – the fascist state and its armed forces, and US military interventionist forces.” 

12 years ago

Mixed Martial Arts and Kickboxing kick off


By Krista V. Melgarejo
Davao Today

Jonathan “Spartan” Sumogat faced Mike John Bandera in a flyweight stand-up kick boxing match. Sumogat clinched a quick victory after Bandera was unable to continue with the fight in the first round. It was his sixth victory and he remained undefeated in the history of Smoker Fights.