Author Archives: DAVAO TODAY

7 years ago

God’s Folly

God’s Folly

If there is one way to describe President Duterte is that he can be consistent. I am not talking about his political agenda or economic plan, but about his recent statement calling God stupid. Saying those words is consistent with how his administration treated people. His lack of respect towards God is seen in his actions and policies. The outrage that many people felt following his tirade against God and the Catholic Church is valid. We hear about those who denounced Duterte as blasphemous while others were strong to defend the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis.

7 years ago

Duterte ​agree to ​talk with religious groups

Duterte ​agree to ​talk with religious groups

President Rodrigo Duterte, an open critic of the Catholic church, has agreed to engage in talks with religious leaders in the country in a bid to assuage the rift between him and the Church following his controversial “stupid God” rant.