Author Archives: DON J. PAGUSARA

10 years ago

Our Military’s Malformed Culture

Our Military’s Malformed Culture

In time, it is only the people, if and when as a unified collective force, they are amply well-informed of the whys and wherefores of the abnormal Philippine of state of affairs, and decisively take the nation’s destiny in their hands, that we can begin to transform the current malformed culture of the Military into a truly pro-people one.

10 years ago

Parameters of Unfreedom

Parameters of  Unfreedom

Philippine Independence Day used to be celebrated on the Fourth of July, on the same day the United States of America celebrates its own Freedom Day.

10 years ago

Vehicle for a New Politics

Vehicle for a New Politics

Traditional politics has been part of our social life since time immemorial. And it comes as naturally and regularly as the rainy and dry seasons in our weather system.

10 years ago

The Way of the ‘Trapos’

The Way of the ‘Trapos’

For the nth time in his Sunday TV program Gikan sa Masa para sa Masa, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has parried enticements for him to run for the top national post in next year’s presidential elections.

10 years ago

The Demonization of Communists

The Demonization of Communists

It is understandable for the bourgeoisie — now, endearingly named monopoly capitalists or Imperialists — to demonize the communists, because Communism aims for the overthrow of Capitalism.

10 years ago

Empowerment and Humanization

Empowerment and Humanization

From our experience in our struggle against the inhumanities and indignities that abound in the incumbent reality of our social context, we reaffirm our commitment to advance the struggle to greater heights.