Environment groups here joined the growing call urging President Duterte not to sign the Anti-Terrorism Act which they say will affect even their advocacy for environmental protection.
Counter-charges will be filed against police officers for the arrests of seven activists and one bystander during their protest on the Anti-Terror Bill along the University of Cebu campus last June 5.
The City Government has decided to drop the use of rapid diagnostic kits in the screening of persons entering Davao City, citing its low effectivity in detecting COVID-19 infection.
Advocacy groups here have suggested solutions to the country’s ongoing transport crisis, which was made worse by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
“Justice delayed, justice denied,” says Fidelina Margarita Valle, columnist for Davao Today, remembering her experience a year ago being taken by police agents at an airport.
A statement signed by 700 lawyers and law students worldwide showed the international community’s concern over the passage of the Anti-Terror Act of 2020.
The Department of Agriculture in the region (DA-10) assured the public that the reported fall armyworm (FAW) infestation on corn plantations in some areas in Northern Mindanao has not yet reached an alarming level.
Two lawmakers from Northern Mindanao have joined the call against the anti-terror bill (ATB) which was passed on third and final reading at the House of Representatives.
Several groups called for the release of eight individuals arrested by authorities during a protest rally against the anti-terror bill (ATB) in Cebu City on Friday, June 5.
The Philippines is about to have its first Filipino-trained gravitational physicist.