
What next? Daneco-CDA offices padlocked

What next? Daneco-CDA offices padlocked

Aug 13, 2014

An official of the Davao del Norte Electric Cooperative-Cooperative Development Authority (Daneco-CDA) faction on Wednesday said that the National Electrification Administration (NEA) “violated the due process of law” when the latter compulsorily closed down the former’s offices.

Going organic in Kadayawan

Going organic in Kadayawan

Aug 13, 2014

Organic farms, herbs, and livestock that boost health and nutrition are being showcased at the Kadayawan festival Wednesday through an Organic Food and Product Fair.

Three “Palparan- wannabes” in Mindanao

Three “Palparan- wannabes” in Mindanao

Aug 13, 2014

With the capture of Retired Major General Jovito Palparan in Manila early morning yesterday, human rights group Karapatan warns of three “wannabees” who “are either Palparan-trained or employ his style in extrajudicial killings and human rights violations.”

Is Davao truly competitive? Groups think not yet

Is Davao truly competitive? Groups think not yet

Aug 13, 2014

A national survey ranked Davao City fourth in terms of “competitiveness” in development. But some sectors said the city’s leaders must look beyond those figures and look at a holistic and “people-oriented” approach to development.