Union members who participated for the first time in a Labor Day demonstration call on other workers to “form your unions to protect your rights.”
Moro leaders said their communities raised concern about possible Palace maneuver to foist the recently signed Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) to the international business community rather than address pestering issues like human rights abuses in Moro areas.
As the sun rose from the dark side of the earth on this first Friday of May, the streak of rays also send dawn-breaking and blazing new hope for the Lumads, already set to go home to their place.
Expect longer brownouts that would last from four to six hours in a day.
Various activist groups in Davao and other regions opposed the signing of a defense agreement and a trade partnership between the Philippine and United States governments which they said are one-sided.
Support groups of Manobo evacuees welcomed the announcement of government officials that troops would pull-out in Talaingod to enable them to return home peacefully.
Mayor Rodrigo Duterte in a dialogue with village officials and residents of Paquibato district over complaints that the Army’s 69th Infantry Battalion forced them to sign “surrender” forms.
After a month of seeking sanctuary here, Manobos are set to go home following an agreement brokered by Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and Davao del Norte Gov. Rodolfo del Rosario who secured a word from the military to withdraw from their operations in at least 11 villages in Talaingod town.
Militant workers are set for the 128th Labor Day commemoration on May 1 when they would demand President Aquino for higher wages and more jobs.
Patience is running thin for a colleague of slain Italian missionary Fr. Fausto ‘Pops’ Tentorio after learning that the special investigative body is asking for an extension of their probe beyond the April 30 deadline.