
STATEMENT:  In defense of the poor

STATEMENT: In defense of the poor

Apr 20, 2017

We cannot effectively fight poverty if we see the poor as lazy, uneducated, non-tax payers and thus, undeserving of public support. Often associated with criminal activities, they are shunned, unwanted.

City Council adopts 645 resolutions, 178 ordinances after 9 months

City Council adopts 645 resolutions, 178 ordinances after 9 months

Apr 19, 2017

Councilor Pilar Braga is the most productive city councilor from July 2016 to February this year in terms of passed resolutions, having sponsored 86 resolutions that the 18th council adopted. Coming next is Councilor Edgar Ibuyan, Jr., who sponsored 64 resolutions, Bernard Al-ag with 49, and Danny Dayanghirang with 40.