President Rodrigo Duterte on Sunday, September 18, asked for another six months extension to end crime and illegal drugs.
Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte said she understands the sentiments of the Muslim women but she added that “the general welfare of the majority takes precedence over religious tradition.”
Advocates and experts for sustainable energy solutions and fair climate policy said the government should not approve any more coal plants in the country saying it is no longer a viable investment.
Police dismantled the barricades blocking the gates of the Nakashin Davao International’s office in Malagamot here on Thursday, September 15 after the Regional Trial Court ruled that the protest of the striking workers illegal.
Taking cue from the recent bomb threats that circulated in Davao City, a military official asked the public here not to pass on bomb threat information without assessing whether or not such information is a hoax.
The Davao City Police chief has belied the testimony of a witness who introduced himself as a former hitman of the alleged Davao Death Squad (DDS) linking President Rodrigo Duterte and several police officials to extrajudicial killings.
Kawagib Moro Human Rights secretary general Bai Ali Indayla said any policy should ensure that no cultural or religious belief is violated, especially the belief of the Moro people who are vulnerable to human rights violations.
Local officials are proposing to add more CCTV cameras and implement a profiling system in villages to enhance security measure in the city following the deadly blast last September 2.
Casualties of the deadly night market blast here are still confined in different hospitals in the city, 12 days after the incident.
The authorities are now preparing to file charges against the prime suspect of the Davao bombing.