
Duterte, Bello to gov’t: honor JASIG

Duterte, Bello to gov’t: honor JASIG

Mar 25, 2014

Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and a former head of the government’s peace panel said that if senior communist leaders Benito Tiamzon and Wilma Austria who were arrested Saturday showed genuine immunity papers, they “should be released” because the government should “honor what we have committed to the people and to the CPP (Communist Party of the Philippines).”

Progressive leaders decry surveillance, harassment

Mar 12, 2014

Sheena Duazo, spokesperson of the militant Bagong Alyansang Makabayan, said during a press conference Wednesday that they would like to put the incident “on record,” adding that the case was “part of a pattern of surveillance and monitoring which many us in the progressive group have become targets of.”