A statement signed by 700 lawyers and law students worldwide showed the international community’s concern over the passage of the Anti-Terror Act of 2020.
Two lawmakers from Northern Mindanao have joined the call against the anti-terror bill (ATB) which was passed on third and final reading at the House of Representatives.
Several groups called for the release of eight individuals arrested by authorities during a protest rally against the anti-terror bill (ATB) in Cebu City on Friday, June 5.
A group of Christian church leaders has appealed to President Rodrigo Duterte to veto the anti-terror bill (ATB) as it will not serve to end the country’s conflicts.
Seven activists were arrested by police authorities after dispersing a peaceful protest action against the Anti-Terror Bill on Friday morning, June 5, in Cebu City.
Heads of 16 Jesuit and La Salle schools, including three from the Ateneo universities in Mindanao, issued a unified statement on Friday urging President Rodrigo Duterte to veto the Anti-Terrorism Bill of House Bill 6875.
Mindanao lawmakers were among the minority in the House of Representatives that voted against the Anti-Terror Act 2020 or House Bill 6875 during their plenary last Wednesday.
The Davao City Council is pushing for an ordinance to provide tax relief and incentives for business establishments in the city whose operations were disrupted due to the lockdown to address the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Over 50 student councils, student publications, student and community-based youth organizations across the country signed a unity statement opposing the proposed Anti-Terror Bill being pushed by President Rodrigo Duterte.
Lawyers’ groups warned that the anti-terror bill being pushed by President Duterte in Congress will weaken democracy and Constitutional protection of people’s freedoms.