Two police operations in two weeks led by Tagum City Police Office resulted to the arrest of 14 suspects and the recovery of a size-able amount of alleged illegal drugs and paraphernalia in Tagum City, according to the Tagum City Information Office.
Various groups expressed dismay over the recent Supreme Court ruling to grant bail for Senator Juan Ponce Enrile.
Students in Davao del Sur were encouraged to choose careers that are close to their hearts during the 1st Career Advocacy Summit held in Magsaysay, Davao del Sur Monday afternoon.
The provincial government of Davao del Norte has now earned the good governance seal recognition.
The local authorities in Tagum City are closely watching outlets of solvent as most of the children who were involved in crimes were found to be under the influence of the said chemical.
Cacao farmers from San Isidro town in Davao del Norte received last Thursday cacao tablets processing facilities from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration Region 11 formally announces its search for the Model OFW (overseas Filipino worker) Family of the Year Award (MOFYA) 2015.
The Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRDIC) decried the government attacks against women activists in the Philippines in a statement on Friday.
The Department of Education Region 11 will hold the K to 12 Caravan for the schools division of Davao del Norte, Island Garden City of Samal (Igacos), Panabo City and Tagum City on Wednesday at the RDR Gym inside the Davao del Norte Sports and Cultural Complex in Tagum City.
The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration warns migrant workers of a scam which asks them to pay a certain amount in exchange of an availment of loan from the OWWA.