Many of my students are fans of the “Humans of (insert city name here)” series of pages on Facebook, which…
During times such as these when interconnectivity through the web coerces individuals to respond in real time and intrudes spaces…
A few weeks ago, anthropologist Fr. Albert Alejo gave a lecture here at Leiden University entitled “President Duterte and his…
New year, new crises. Plummeting prices, degrading quality of life. But most citizen-consumers feel happy, it seems. The Philippines allegedly…
One of the challenges that confront most of us during the Holiday season is having some leftover foods piling up in our fridge.
The series of “previews” (part translation, part summary, part review as noted in the last three column articles) shall end…
Its illustrator, writer, letterer, layout artist, and other members of the creative team seem to have had no formal training; but we should take caution in imposing the standards we have learned in institutions.
The people who lost their lives just wanted to defend their land
We see the deployment of state apparatus to protect not the interests of the poorest and most vulnerable but the richest and most powerful
In approaching Mindanao as an issue and how leadership matters in its development, we have to understand its complexities