Soyez Realistes

Acting Up (UP)

Acting Up (UP)

Oct 02, 2014

There’s been a little hullabaloo in my favorite unibersidad lately. A few weeks ago, Department of Budget and Management Secretary Butch Abad, exiting from a forum at the UP School of Economics, was met with a vigorous protest by activist students and teachers. Their call was to make Abad, and all those associated with the unconstitutional Disbursement Acceleration Program, accountable.

Vaginas and Violence

Vaginas and Violence

Jul 06, 2014

But let’s do Eve Ensler one better. I’d like to think that my anger should be reserved for more serious things, especially if I’m going to rant about it in front of all of you. My vagina is angry, and if I tell you the four reasons why, maybe you’ll find that all your vaginas are angry, too.

Homecoming [Part 2]

Homecoming [Part 2]

Jun 03, 2014

Encountered mess and damage we did. We had barely caught our breaths after the hike from Nasilaban to the neighboring village of Sambulungan when some of the Talaingod Manobos started approaching us. Their houses had been ransacked, items were missing, one kitchen’s GI roofing had been ripped off.