Posts by tag: Bangsamoro

11 years ago

Davao folks ask Aquino where’s growth?

Davao folks ask Aquino where’s growth?

Unfazed by the recent bombings in Mindanao, President Benigno Aquino III on Thursday attended the 22nd Mindanao Business Conference (MinBizCon) to deliver his message that the region is stepping closer to being “a land of promises fulfilled.” But such confidence is not shared by some sectors in Davao.

11 years ago

Sharing Ramadhan Moments

Sharing Ramadhan Moments

Eid’l Fitr marks the end of Ramadhan, the Muslim’s fasting month. Following the lunar calendar, the sighting of the new moon signals the change of month in the Muslim’s Hijrah calendar. For those who feel that they have not fulfilled well this month the 4th pillar of Islam, we still have today and tomorrow to fast, give zakat ‘ul fitra (voluntary material or financial assistance), pray the Salatul Taraweeh (special nightly prayer reciting verses of the Qur’an) and the Salatul Layl or Tahajud Salah (midnight prayer). These are special prayers performed voluntarily in congregational and individual prayers.

11 years ago

Thorough, objective probe on CDO blast urged by peace advocates

Thorough, objective probe on CDO blast urged by peace advocates

Davao Today

Lawyer Beverly Musni, convenor of Initiatives for Peace in Mindanao (InPeace) told Davao Today said she joins the public in condemning the bombing as it “intends to sow fear by attacking civilians.” She also “challenged authorities to answer questions by the public, to leave no stone unturned to find the truth and justice for the victims.”

11 years ago



Davao City Mayor Rodrigo meets participants of the Hajj to Mecca for this year’s Ramadan. The city will cover their travel expenses worth P30,000 ( photo by Medel V. Hernani)

11 years ago



Moro people recite their prayer or sambayang at Davao’s Grand Men Seng Hotel. They will join the Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca for Ramadan with the support of city government. ( photo by Medel V. Hernani)

11 years ago

Wealth-sharing for whom?

Wealth-sharing for whom?

When Davao Today sought the reactions of some members of the academe, they praised the efforts of the peace panels, at the same time, raised serious concerns.

12 years ago

MILF gets advice: seek active defense


By John Rizle L.Saligumba
Davao Today

Madlos said that the NDFP calls on other legitimate Moro armed groups and the Moro people to strengthen their struggle in two fronts. “First, in the assertion of basic human and political rights, persist and broaden the Moro mass movement by the thousands; and second, strengthen and further intensify the Moro armed revolutionary resistance against our common enemy – the fascist state and its armed forces, and US military interventionist forces.” 

12 years ago

Moro people press for HR, econ rights with the GPH-MILF signing of Framework Agreement


Davao Today

Suara’s Lidasan said that this is the time for the Moro people to be on their guard the most as the agreement could be used to further plunder natural resources in Moro areas, noting that several foreign multinational companies such as Unocal and Exxon Mobil were already given permits for oil exploration and extraction, prior to the signing of the agreement.