Posts by tag: climate change

4 years ago

Demolition Job

Demolition Job

It is supremely dissonant that, on what is supposedly Indigenous Peoples’ Month in the Philippines, the local police of the province of Kalinga proposes to demolish the monument to three historical figures to the Indigenous struggles of the Cordillera region.

11 years ago

The HAARP that sounds bad

The HAARP that sounds bad

I fear that the captivity of physicist Kim Gargar that magnifies the threat to the lives and liberty of other people’s scientists would also cripple the efforts to investigate the dynamics of the recent disasters like typhoons Pablo and Yolanda.

12 years ago

Davao mountains yield gold, but gov’t paid cheap

Davao mountains yield gold, but gov’t paid cheap

With the number of mining firms under exploration concessions, gold, nickel and copper in the rocky mountains of Davao region continue to be up for grabs. But government earnings from the excise taxes paid by mining firms are small.