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Posts by tag: human rights violation

12 years ago

Hundreds flee Agusan village due to intensified military ops

Hundreds flee Agusan village due to intensified military ops

by John Rizle Saligumba
Davao Today

Initial reports from Karapatan Southern Mindanao showed that Agusanon residents fled on Sunday from Barangays Kauswagan, Sabud, Mansanitas and San Mariano. The residents along with 224 children evacuated to Barangay Kauswagan Elementary School.

16 years ago

Ludenio Monzon�s Killing: A Chronicle of a Death Foretold?


Human rights advocates wanted authorities to look beyond the fact that Monzon was killed by ski-mask wearing men on motorcycle.

�They (investigating authorities) should look into the fact that Monzon was once vilified by the military,� said Erlin Balinton, a volunteer of human rights group Karapatan who documented the circumstances of Monzon�s death. �He had a case filed with the Commission on Human Rights in October last year about how the military harassed him. They should look into his activities when he was still alive, if only to establish who could possibly have the motive to take his life.�
Balinton said that Karapatan has yet to find out about what police actions were being done in Boston. Read on.

16 years ago

Vigilantes Top


By Media Mindanao News Service (August 15, 1987 News Digest Volume 1, August 1987-July 1988) DAVAO CITY (MMNS) – Nearly…