Posts by tag: impunity

11 years ago



Davao journalists led by National Union of Journalists of the Philippines and their campus press counterpart College Editors Guild of the Philippines march on the streets Saturday on the commemoration of the fourth year of the Ampatuan massacre and the third International Day to End Impunity. ( photo by Medel V. Hernani)

11 years ago



A mass communication student gives her opinion on the role of media in reporting human rights issues during Friday’s forum workshop launched by the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines as part of commemorating the fourth year of the Ampatuan massacre and the third year of the International Day to End Impunity. ( photo by Medel V. Hernani)

11 years ago

Court systems failing in Ampatuan trial – HRW researcher

Court systems failing in Ampatuan trial – HRW researcher

“Someone said fear and anxiety make impunity thrive. My impression is forgetting is the bigger enemy of accountability, and the biggest ally of impunity. When we forget, we allow criminals or human rights violators to get away with murder,” said Carlos Conde, Philippine researcher for Human Rights Watch.

11 years ago

Benjaline Hernandez: Campus Journalist and Human Rights Defender

Benjaline Hernandez: Campus Journalist and Human Rights Defender

Eight years since her death, Hernandez’s family found a ray of hope when the UNHRC issued its decision in August 2010. The Committee found the Philippine government guilty of violating Article 6 of the Covenant which states, “Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.”