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Posts by tag: milf

4 years ago

The Bangsamoro youth and the right to self-determination

The Bangsamoro youth and the right to self-determination

Some people might say that the conflict in Mindanao is already “history.” The apparent peace between the Moro revolutionaries and the Philippine government reminds us that it has been years since a violent encounter, whether verbal or in a gunfight, between the opposing sides has been the headline in newspapers.

8 years ago

BTC completes final report on new BBL draft

BTC completes final report on new BBL draft

The Bangsamoro Transition Commission announced on Friday the completion of the new draft of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) that will be forwarded to the BTC Coordinating Committee for review and approval before its submission to the Office of the President.

11 years ago

Rebels tending to farm amidst firefight

Rebels tending to farm amidst firefight

A breakaway Moro guerrilla group in Central Mindanao said the main bulk of its forces were out of harm’s way of government military artillery shellings and that its forces were divided into engaging in gunbattles or planting and indoctrination of its mass base.

12 years ago

Pamulak festival ends with call for peace

Pamulak festival ends with call for peace

At the end of the float parade, Davao City Mayor Rody Duterte addressed the audience thankful that the Kadayawan Festival is ending on a peaceful note, after several days of jitters and uncertainties.