
Wishlist for the SONA

Jul 28, 2008

Davao Today asks people on the streets about what they expect from the President’s state of the nation address on Monday, and in return, got a wish list of what people think government should do to alleviate their plight.

Davao workers press for the legislated 125-peso across the board wage increase

Jul 28, 2008

According to the June 2008 statistics of the National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC), a family of sixthe average household member of a regular Filipino familyin the Davao region, needs 760 pesos a day to live decently. But the current minimum wage in the region is only 265 pesos–short of 495 pesos for a family’s living wage per day. Workers have been demanding for an increase in the minimum wage to make ends meet.

Price of rice soars in Davao

Jun 03, 2008

In one of the rice stalls on Bangoy street, Banay-banay rice sells at forty-two pesos per kilo while the 7-tonner variety sells at thirty nine pesos per kilo. Consumers were alarmed when commercial rice prices went as high as forty pesos per kilo in a week’s time. n a press conference on May 30, Department of Agriculture XI Regional Director Rogelio Chio notes a ten peso increase in the price of rice from last week’s average of 34-peso per kilo. He also cites reports that rice prices in Malalag, Davao del Sur, even went up as high as fifty pesos per kilo. ( photo by Barry Ohaylan)