Davao’s leaders and common folks got the greatest lesson from the five-day visit of Pope Francis and that is not just to help to poor but to help in the struggling poor.
Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte facilitated the release of jail warden Jose Mervin Coquilla from the NPA in Monkayo, Compostela Valley Monday.
Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte facilitated the release of jail warden Jose Mervin Coquilla from the NPA in Monkayo, Compostela Valley Monday.
The New People’s Army released today the jail warden it held captive for alleged drugs trade and negligence due to “humanitarian reasons.”
Provincial Jail warden Jose Mervin Coquilla is seen here emerging from a holding facility with members of the New People’s Army. Coquilla was released around 2:00 pm Monday.
Provincial Jail warden Jose Mervin Coquilla is seen here emerging from a holding facility with members of the New People’s Army. Coquilla was released around 2:00 pm Monday.
Muslims across Mindanao condemned as blasphemous the cover of the controversial French weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo showing a weeping prophet Muhammad holding up a sign saying “Je suis Charlie” (“I am Charlie”).
The seventh most wanted person in Laak municipality of Compostela Valley province was apprehended by the authorities in a shoot-out Thursday night in Tagum City.
Emailed by human rights group Karapatan to the media, the messages were written while they were on hunger strike to appeal for their freedom.
The National Democratic Front said it cancelled the release of its three police captives because of the presence of Army forces in the area for release.
The City Treasurer’s Office (CTO) has recorded an increase in the number of applications for renewal of business permit since it launched the “One-stop Shop” program last January 2.
The police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) recommended the filing of criminal cases against an Indian national who was accused by medical students of imposing high dormitory fees and other complaints.