
Media asked to improve coverage during disasters

Apr 21, 2008

For a country in the tropics surrounded by a belt of the world’s most active volcanoes and regularly visited by typhoons, the need for stories that deal with disasters – how to avoid them and manage the risks – becomes more compelling. Unfortunately, in a country so prone to disasters and yet so lacking in mechanisms to prevent its adverse effects, there is a dearth of such stories.

Davao broadcaster jailed for libel is depressed, thinks of suicide

Nov 06, 2007

Silenced and Abandoned. Lex Adonis inside the Ma-a city jail in June. ( photo)


Gladys Adonis, the wife of jailed Davao Alexander “Lex” Adonis, said her husband has been admitted to the prison hospital in early October.
She said Adonis, an anchorman of Bombo Radio-Davao sentenced to four and a half years in prison early this year, had been feeling utterly “abandoned and depressed,” and is thinking of ending his life.

Journalists hit AFP ban on Zambo reporter

Sep 22, 2007

The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines is alarmed over reports that no less than the chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines has prevented a reporter from covering legitimate news events in Mindanao, particularly in the province of Basilan.

World’s journalists demand gender equality

May 30, 2007

Delegates and participants at the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) World Congress in Moscow put the rights of women in media at the top of the agenda in an effort to press demands for an end to media stereotyping and discrimination.