Lawyer Danilo Cullo, Commission on Elections first district officer, talks about the basics of the automated elections that every Filipino…
The office of Councilor Angela Librado-Trinidad, along with Bayan Muna (People First) political party, has initiated poll automation seminars as…
MANILA — A 2010 election watchdog group launched yesterday is geared not only to monitor the upcoming elections, but also…
House Speaker and Davao City mayoral candidate yesterday monopolized the first local election forum, declaring that his peace and order…
Myfel Paluga, Kamkem-Act regional coordinator, said teachers play a crucial role in this year’s election, given the major changes in the technology that will be used.
The body of Tamano Kamindan Mamalapat, an alleged hit man of the Ampatuan clan is taken out of Gaisano Citimall (former JS Gaisano) in Davao City. Mamalapat was shot at around 7 p.m., Thursday by one of the police escorts of the Ampatuans’ political rival Esmael “Toto”Mangudadatu who is running for governor of Maguindanao Province.
Three problems cropped up during the mock elections at the Generoso Elementary School in Bago Aplaya village in Davao City on February 6, Saturday.
DAVAO CITY— The Kabataan Partylist stormed the regional office of the Comelec (Commission on Elections) to compel it to immediately…
Listen to Bayan Muna Rep.�Ocampo�talk about the new political�group�Makabayan or Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamamayan�(patriotic and pro-people’s coalition) during the October…