
Law on Golden Rice ban urged

Law on Golden Rice ban urged

Aug 23, 2013

Non-government organizations supporting organic food and farms want local and national laws to ban genetically-modified crops such as the controversial Golden Rice for its detrimental effect to health and farmers’ income.

Barefoot run to chase off pork

Barefoot run to chase off pork

Aug 22, 2013

Davao journalists are leading the call for Davao’s version of the one-million people march against pork on August 26 to call for the abolition of the pork barrel or the now infamous Priority Development Assistance Fund or PDAF.

Stolen copper cables for sale

Stolen copper cables for sale

Aug 21, 2013

Alibo, Jonie Javillo, 18, and Jomarie Esnardo, 21, were discovered cutting copper cable around midnight by a resident who alerted company security guards in Cadena de Amor St. at Feeder Road 3, Tibal-og village.