The Philippine Ecumenical Peace Platform (PEPP)*, the largest ecumenical formation of church leaders in the country today, call on the people to vote for peace.
“What do you say when Mary Jane’s youngest 6 year old son pulls you aside and coyly whispers in a bashful tone: “Atorni, iuwi nyo na nanay ko ah”? ( “Attorney, please bring my mother back home already, ok? “)
AOP stands for and supports universal respect for human rights and human dignity, as we believe that it is the duty of the state to uphold and protect the fundamental rights of its people including freedom of expression and assembly.
Drought is avoidable only if these farmers have access to water services. Poverty and hunger is preventable only if the people have the equal share and access to resources. Disaster is preventable only if the government will provide and do its obligations to its people.
While the farmers’ demands were unquestionably just, the powers-that-be have in the instant answered them with astonishing indifference.
Under the leadership of the Regional Party Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines, all the NPA units in the region continue to show its mettle as the true army of the people by waging a protracted people’s war, gathering more and more strength from tactical offensives, agrarian revolution and base building.
Two years ago, when the two parties signed the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro, we declared together, with courage and conviction, that a new dawn has come.
The forthcoming national elections, as with all previous elections since the so-called EDSA I “people power revolution” and the parade of bogus republics in the past, will never be a genuine expression of the slogan “from the people, by the people and for the people” much less embody the hope for the vast underprivileged majority to become the real bosses of the country.
The most recent clashes between the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Moro armed groups in Lanao Del Sur and surrounding areas have forcibly driven around 6,000 to 10,000 Moro people out of their homes, and resulted to the deaths of yet unaccounted number of civilians.
I could not believe how some councilors were off the point with their pronouncements during privilege hours. Whether or not there were violations in rules of session proceedings, I believe there are also proper protocols set in place to settle such. Even with that, and even outside of council sessions, I believe everyone deserves to be treated with tact and respect while debating over tough issues on the table.