Soyez Realistes

Plurality of poseurs

Plurality of poseurs

Nov 15, 2016

Many are understandably outraged at the recent Supreme Court decision allowing the burial of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani, with much ire being directed at Rodrigo Duterte and the justices who decided in the affirmative.

The struggle is real

The struggle is real

Nov 03, 2016

My goodness, I can only just roll my eyes. Alright, fine, anyone with a formal educational attainment lower than yours are automatically sheep who can be herded around at whim.

Grave contradictions

Grave contradictions

Aug 11, 2016

While anonymity, selflessness, and the notion of sacrifice for something greater than the single person is supposedly extolled, individuality and personal achievement is privileged for a distinct set of burials – those of members of the social, political, and economic elite. No such favor is given the common majority.

The last three years

The last three years

Jun 29, 2016

There are beautiful stretches of highway in Davao Oriental with straight, smooth roads lined with acacia or fire trees. I was reminded of this during a recent trip to Mati City as the fire trees were in red bloom and the acacias remained steadfastly green amidst a landscape ravaged by El Nino.



Apr 12, 2016

It is interesting that such accusations are lobbed only at protest actions that are led by the uneducated and the unwashed. Do you hear similar opinions regarding 1986 EDSA or EDSA Dos? It is interesting how quickly we forget the pivotal role of the youth in changing the course of history. Would you call Martial Law student activists as simply “cute” or “impulsive”?

Beyond the Barricade (Part 1)

Beyond the Barricade (Part 1)

Mar 28, 2016

Much has already been said about the lumad and peasant barricade last 18 March in front of the Eastern Mindanao Command Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in Panacan here in Davao City.