Soyez Realistes

On the UP Dorm Fiasco

On the UP Dorm Fiasco

Aug 10, 2015

And I truly hope that the UP Diliman administration feels the same way, even if only privately, given their lackluster explanation to the media and their pooh-poohing of the protests.

What’s wrong with Nancy Catamco?

What’s wrong with Nancy Catamco?

Jul 28, 2015

In this light, Catamco’s speculated surgery takes on a different significance. An alleged nose-lift is no longer simply an alleged nose-lift; it is, quite literally, the embodiment of the break from, or rejection of, our autochthonous conditions as Filipinos, of which the lumad are commonly seen to represent.

Stacking the odds

Stacking the odds

Jun 16, 2015

There are dozens of things that could be considered questionable, problematic, and even incredible (in the not-credible, or with no scientific basis, sense) with the Aquino government’s K to 12 program, and so, where to start?

Bai (Part I)

Bai (Part I)

Apr 20, 2015

She had been lying down on a mat in the corner of the one-room hut that could be reached only after a precarious uphill motorcycle ride on rocky terrain and a twenty-minute trek on foot, somewhere near the headwaters of the Davao River.