Posts by tag: Peace Process

16 years ago

How important is the MOA-AD on the Moro people’s quest for right to self- determination?


The Bangsamoro’s age-old problem had something to do with self-governance. The Bangsamoro people, who used to be under the rule of a Sultanate, lost their self- governance when Spain included Mindanao in the sale of the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris in 1898, despite the fact that Spain never really conquered Mindanao as part of the colony.

16 years ago

MILF says government could not be trusted


“The peace agreement is dead as far as the government is concerned but the MILF will continue to assert it. If we can’t assert it in the national level, then, we’re going to assert it internationally,” said the MILF’s Mohagher Iqbal, vowing to elevate the MILF position to the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).