6 years ago

Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds

Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds

Every day, after my class in Tuburan, we always recite this verse:

Our work is done
Our day is past
And I will hold so tight and fast
The things that I have learned today.
I have given with my heart and mind
The effort that it needs
And I will strive with all my might
To hold good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.

7 years ago

The children as our teachers

The children as our teachers

Last week, I attended HeartMath, a personal development workshop that aims to develop a certain level of resilience to an individual. Resilience here does not only refer particularly to being able to bounce back when something happens. It also touches on the capacity to prepare and to face a situation with equanimity.

7 years ago

What do the millennials bring?

What do the millennials bring?

If we want to help the millennials and the coming generations, we are now tasked to see the interconnected of things. What is it that the preceding generations need to do to bridge the gap. This is not just the problem of one generation. This is a challenge to the whole human race, I dare say. The millennials bring the signs to the surface.

7 years ago

It got Halloween too

It got Halloween too

This Halloween got almost every parent preparing for a party that the children “want” to attend. Costumes that range from horror to action heroes-inspired are available everywhere. Trick or Treat became the main thing with children getting loads of sweets in the end.

7 years ago

Millennial woes

Millennial woes

A few days ago, I met a very young millennial named Maj who now works for the company of a friend as a marketing executive. She helps the young company grow with her genius ideas.

7 years ago

Humans and artificial intelligence

Humans and artificial intelligence

​The recent ruckus about Artificial Intelligence (AI) had Facebook shutting down their robots when it started communicating with their own language that the programming experts on Facebook could not understand. This happening with Facebook is not isolated. The AlphaGo incident where the best-known player of the game was beaten by a robot sent alarm to human beings concerned. Lee Se-dol, an 18-time world champion in the game Go, where combinations of moves are said to be as many as the stars in the universe, was defeated by AlphaGo Zero — a software.

7 years ago

Spending time alone

Spending time alone

I have not heard of the concept of alone time until I reached mid-20’s. Being single that time, it was practically difficult for me to understand that we need to spend a sometime in isolation. I was mostly scared of being alone, so I did not really find time to practice it.

7 years ago

How about knitting

How about knitting

Only two decades ago, we still see our oldies knitting and crocheting. Many times back then, I would see a grandmother of some playmates who would sew and knit while we run around and play. These days, I rarely see that and I see many adults, counting myself in, so hooked with the screens.

7 years ago

What about personal development?

What about personal development?

Have you heard of The Secret? I first saw the movie way back in 2007, when my college teacher showed it to our class. Around 2005, there seemed to be a boom of personal development products, from books to DVD down to various platforms on the Internet.

7 years ago

Meaningful work

Meaningful work

Our children constantly imitate what they see from adults, most especially from age 0-7 although it often stretches up to the…