Following the fatal shooting of former soldier Winston Ragos, a forensic and a human rights official question the Quezon City Police’s assertion that the shooting was a “judgment call”.
A team composed of personnel from the Philippine National Police Maritime Group, Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources conducted a seaborne patrol at the Macajalar Bay on Thursday, April 23, as part of the government’s effort to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Progressive groups criticized President Rodrigo Duterte for “diverting” the public’s attention following his threat to declare martial law amid the Coronavirus crisis in the country.
Health officials in Davao Region reiterate that the rapid-antibody test is not a confirmatory tool for coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19) testing.
The city government will adopt the extended Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) instead of the less-restrictive Modified Community Quarantine (MCQ) which it earlier announced.
A 69-year-old man from a suburban village here who died while confined at a government-run hospital became the third person to have contracted the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), authorities confirmed Friday, April 24.
A labor group did not buy Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio’s “ChickenJoy Challenge” to entice Davao residents to stay at home in quarantine.
Former AnakPawis Representative Ariel Casilao and six relief volunteers were released through bail Wednesday after police in Norzagaray, Bulacan detained them while doing relief work last Saturday.
The Southern Philippines Medical Center announced that it has taken steps to increase its testing capacity for the coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19) in the Davao region.
The Davao City government is eyeing to build three additional Covid-19 testing laboratories to speed up testing of cases in Mindanao.