Posts by tag: DAP

11 years ago

Strike on November 13 Vs. pork, anti-poor taxes

Strike on November 13 Vs. pork, anti-poor taxes

Public transport here are geared for a city-wide strike on Wednesday, November 13, to call for the abolition of the government’s pork barrel system and excessive taxes that transport leaders said have burdened drivers and the public.

11 years ago

Today’s View: Noynoy’s Best Defense

Today’s View: Noynoy’s  Best Defense

If Noynoy wants to be remembered as a statesman rather than as a politician, his best judgment would be to grant the outstanding demand of the people. Which is: to abolish the DAP or the presidential pork barrel system. This is his most formidable defense against any probe or query relating to the legality or morality of the DAP. This is his best defense!

11 years ago

Today’s View : Rotten, rotten system [Prints & Traces]

Today’s View : Rotten, rotten system [Prints & Traces]

Imagine that! Big lump sums of money going to the personal discretion of the Congressmen and Senators who were blest with Noynoy’s benevolence? Did these sums of money go to projects? Haha! And why not all the legislators were given? If DAP funds are indeed meant for “Accelerated Development”, then where? What concretely are these development initiatives that the senators and congressmen [as recipients of the funds] have undertaken?