Posts by tag: don pagusara

11 years ago

The Unmasking of a Werewolf

The Unmasking of a Werewolf

Yes indeed, President Noynoy Aquino, by his own body language and pronouncements, has revealed the true dyed-in-the-wool trapo that he is. From a deceitful stance of a reformist leader as an elected state official, he has fast transformed into a political werewolf — power-thirsty! — no different from his predecessor whom he has frequently made a convenient scapegoat for all his kapalpakan.

11 years ago

Today’s View : Rotten, rotten system [Prints & Traces]

Today’s View : Rotten, rotten system [Prints & Traces]

Imagine that! Big lump sums of money going to the personal discretion of the Congressmen and Senators who were blest with Noynoy’s benevolence? Did these sums of money go to projects? Haha! And why not all the legislators were given? If DAP funds are indeed meant for “Accelerated Development”, then where? What concretely are these development initiatives that the senators and congressmen [as recipients of the funds] have undertaken?

12 years ago

[PRINTS & TRACES] Where Did Mangulayon Go?

[PRINTS & TRACES] Where Did Mangulayon Go?

Human mapatay ni Datu Mangulayon si Gov. Bolton didto sa Lacaron, Malalag, Davao del Sur, iyang gimangnoan ang tanang nakasaksi ug nakahibalo sa makasaysayanong hitabo nga siya lang ug way laing pasanginlan ug idalahig sa pagpatay kang Bolton ug sa kauban niining si Benjamin Christian.

12 years ago

[Prints & Traces] Who is Datu Mangulayon?

[Prints & Traces] Who is Datu Mangulayon?

In spotlighting the celebratory pitch and color of the Kadayawan Festival, let us give honor and deference to the unifying common tongue of all Lumads of Mindanao — the Cebuano language as the Island’s lengua franca. And so, allow me to use this as medium in this special write-up about the legendary Datu Mangulayon, the greatest of all Lumads in this part of the Philippine Islands.