In order to save money for other school expenses, some parents here would opt to pack biscuits and bread for their children rather than giving them money.
“We have been waiting all our lives for the government to build a school in our communities, but why now that we are able to build schools with our own perseverance, they want to close it?”, said Datu Kailo Bantulan in a press conference Monday.
In an interview in time for the first day of classes here, a local leader of indigenous groups said they want more materials to aid them in the education of their children.
Third District Councilor Bernard Al-ag during regular session Tuesday, expressed his disappointment on the poor accessibility of services offered by the Commission on Elections (Comelec).
Teachers and students here welcomed the first day of school with a protest against the K to 12 program.
The perennial problem of large class size, lack of classrooms and school facilities greet the student on the opening of school year 2015-2016 on Monday here.
Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte on Sunday revealed that his family does not want him to run for presidency this 2016 election.
The recent moves to close several schools of an indigenous people’s organization in Davao del Norte serve the insurgency campaign of the Army, said school administrators.
A regional Commission on Elections (Comelec) official on Thursday urges the voters to register their biometrics information in order to vote in the upcoming election on 2016.
Fe Francisco, 56, is among those who lined up for free services during the women’s health fair sponsored by various organizations on Thursday.