KABATAAN slams CHED and Arroyo over tuition fee hikes

Feb. 28, 2010

DAVAO CITY- Kabataan partylist representative Raymond “Mong” Palatino today slammed the continuing implementation of “No-Permit, No-Exam” (NPNE) Policy and the new wave of tuition fee increases, during the launching of the regional hotline of BAN NPNE in the city.

“Education is a right and should be made accessible to every citizen”, said Rep. Palatino.

Majority of the universities and colleges in the region applied for increases for the next school year. Ateneo de Davao University is increasing its tuition fee six percent, University of Mindanao nine and seventy-five percent, Holy Cross of Davao College for twelve percent and San Pedro College five percent.

The group criticized the Arroyo administration for its inutility in controlling the tuition hike and other repressive policies like the “No-Permit, No-Exam Policy”.

Although the Commission on Higher Education (Ched) had issued Memorandum No. 2, series of 2010 that appeals to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to be flexible in the implementation of ‘no permit, no exam’ policy, most schools still do implement the NPNE policy.

Section 3 or specific guidelines of the said memo states that, “As such, HEIs shall allow students with delinquent accounts to take school examinations.”

Palatino urged the public to report any violations and complaints by calling or texting the BAN NPNE regional hotline.

The Ched memo is in response to the HB6799 or the “Anti-No-Permit, No-Exam Policy” filed by Palatino.

Arroyo on her State of the Nation Address stated that education is the solution of poverty. But ironically under her administration the figures of the out-of-school-youth rose dramatically. Billions were spent on militarization, scams and luxurious trips leaving a meager amount for education.

Palatino stressed, “They can do more than just to appeal. We demand that Ched perform its responsibility, not just to monitor, but to regulate the entire education sector”.

“We hold Arroyo accountable for the millions of youth who are deprived of our right to free and quality education”, Palatino concluded.

Representative Palatino was in the city to also rally-up support from local leaders. He also met with city officials and youth leaders.

For reference:

Karlos Manlupig

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