Abduction of Joe Burgos son another facet of climate of impunity in Philippines Bayan Muna

May. 04, 2007

MANILA — Bayan Muna Rep. Teddy Casio today renewed the militant partylist groups call for the immediate surfacing of Jonas Joseph Burgos.

The abduction of Jay-Jay ups the ante on enforced disappearances. Unlike previous cases under the current administration, he was taken in a mall in Quezon City in the middle of the day in front of many people. Only the Glorias security forces have the means and the motive to get Jay-jay, Rep. Casio said.

The Desaparecidos for Justice has said that there are now a total of 198 victims of enforced disappearances during the six years under President Macapagal-Arroyo.

This regime is delivering a clear message to other activists like Jay-jay: we can get you anytime, anywhere. This is only a facet of the climate of impunity being fostered by this government against its perceived opponents, Casio said.

It should also be noted that Jay-jay was active in the area where the butcher-general Jovito Palparan recently operated. His abduction is just the latest of many that Palparan and the military units he handled are directly responsible. This is an angle that investigators must pursue in efforts to immediately surface Jay-jay, Casio said.

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