Photo from Justice for Amier Mangacop’s Facebook page
DAVAO CITY, Philippines — Shocked and outraged.
This was how the family of Amierkhan Mangacop felt upon learning the results of the autopsy conducted by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)-XI that showed their son died of six gunshot wounds.
The 19-year-old student was killed during an altercation involving a police doctor at the Lugar Bar last July 2, 2022.
The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) XI reported that Mangacop sustained six gunshot wounds that have caused fatal injuries. One tore his heart’s right atrium, another damaged his liver, and another shot to the stomach and spleen. A shot also damaged his large intestines.
The results are contrary to the claims by the suspect, Dr. Marvin Rey Andrew Pepino, a non-uniformed personnel of the Philippine National Police Region XI, that he shot Mangacop in self defense when he was allegedly ganged up.
“Dr. Pepino did not need to fire multiple shots as the report showed that even by just one bullet—his murderous intent could still be completed,” the legal team of the victim’s family said in a statement, Monday, July 18.
Pepino shot Mangacop at close range, NBI-XI’s report noted. Three bullet slugs were recovered from his body, two of which were in his spinal column.
Their autopsy added that he suffered rib fractures and muscle damages.
“We were able to recover three slugs coming from a 9mm caliber firearm. Of course, we were also able to discover that bullet used was the hollow point bullet meaning this is a special ammunition considering that once this bullet is being fired it will create a bigger wound once it hits the body of the victim,” said Ely Leano, NBI-XI spokesperson, in an interview with RMN Davao during their submission of the parallel investigation to the City Prosecution Office.
According to Leano, when a particular shooter uses a hollow point bullet, (s)he “has an intention to inflict serious injury or serious wound” to her/his victim. During the ballistic examination, the trajectory line analysis also noted there is an intention to cause serious harm.
“Considering that the subject respondent had used a firearm, meaning there is a clear notorious inequality of the forces between the victim and the aggressor,” Leano explained.
Murder case filed
Based on the result of their investigation, the NBI-XI said the filling of murder case against Pepino is appropriate. The bureau also suggested that an attempted murder case should be filed against the doctor, after it was discovered during the case re-enactment that he also tried to shoot Mangacop’s companion during the altercation.
Last July 15, additional cases have been filed against Pepino by Mangacop’s legal team for attempted murder on three witnesses.
“The attempted murder cases were filed by the three witnesses who were held at gunpoint by Dr. Pepino at Lugar Bar the night the incident happened,” Mangacop’s legal team said in a text message. They refused to identify the said witnesses since, they said, they are hiding for security purposes.
They family of Amierkhan remains hopeful and confident that NBI’s autopsy findings will help their case. Ultimately, they hoped for justice to be served. (davaotoday.com)