K to 12 railroading in Senate proves youth have no bright future under Aquino gov’t—LFS

Jan. 22, 2013

Press Statement
21 January 2013

The patriotic militant organization League of Filipino Students (LFS) condemns the Senate for railroading SB 3286, which seeks the institutionalization of the K to 12 program.  The bicameral conference will be convened soon to formalize the bill before being enacted into law by Noynoy Aquino.

“As his primary educational policy, there is no doubt that Aquino will sign this into law before the elections,” says Miguel Cruz, Deputy Secretary General of the LFS.

After being implemented for the 2012-2013 school year, the K to 12 caused numerous alarming problems in pilot schools. However, the Department of Education has been actively engaging in propaganda gimmicks to project a wide acceptance of the K to 12 in the country.

“When you go to communities, talk to teachers, engage the students — everywhere there is a massive dissent against the K to 12.  Unfortunately, the sentiments of the little people never get enough attention,” says Cruz.

Just earlier today, the LFS was joined by other youth and multisectoral formations at a mobilization to denounce the railroading of this policy.  Cruz denounces how their calls seem to have fallen on deaf ears.

“Our legislators have grown numb to the real situation and plight of the people.  We feel that the youth have been completely robbed of any possible chance for a brighter future,” says Cruz.

The LFS disputes the K to 12’s promise to improve the dismal quality of education, provide jobs to the youth, and make them globally competitive.  According to the youth group, the real motivation behind the K to 12 is to transform the youth into a massive reserve of cheap labor force for vocational jobs, or be forced to migrate to other countries and fall victims to unfair labor practices.

In addition, the group worries that the K to 12 shall also be used as a justification to reduce the number of state universities and colleges, and decrease subsidy for education.

“The only chance for the youth to regain their democratic access to education is to fight the Aquino government.  Upon the enactment of his K to 12, Aquino would only be speeding up the digging of his own grave,” says Cruz.

Interviews available and encouraged. Pls. call/text:
Miguel Cruz, Deputy Secretary General
+63 948 771 0313
+63 906 928 3549

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