Teachers’ group marks WTD celeb with calls for high pay, support for peace process

Oct. 05, 2016

DAVAO CITY, Philippines — A teacher’s group marked the global celebration of World Teachers’ Day with a call for a high pay for teachers.

In a statement Wednesday, Alliance of Concerned Teacher National Chairperson Benjamin Valbuena said public school teachers and employees are “overworked and underpaid.

“We are still here in the streets reminding our government of its obligation to provide us just and humane pay for us to have a decent living standard for us and our families,” Valbuena said.

He called on the legislators to pass House Bill 56, a bill that seeks to raise the salary of public school teachers to P25,000 per month and P16,000 per month for employees.

“We are reminding President Duterte of his campaign promise that our salary will be adjusted in his term,” he said.

ACT also reiterated its support to the peace talks between the government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. The group is hoping that the discussion on the socio-economic reforms will address the plight of the teachers.

“We are supporting the peace talks as this will be of big help in addressing our dire situation,” the group said. “If teachers are provided with this, we are more productive and surely will perform our duties happily.”

Meanwhile, International League of Peoples’ Struggle pressed for the release of Amelia Pond, a teacher and researcher of Salugpongan Ta ‘Tanu Igkanogon Learning Center (STTICLC).

“Her plight speaks of the injustice on Filipino educators, the continuing discrimination and oppression of indigenous peoples, and the more than 500 political prisoners illegally incarcerated in the country,” ILPS-Phils Chairperson Elmer Labog said in a statement.

“Schools of the lumad people are targetted by the military and para-military forces in a US-backed counter-insurgency program. President Durterte would do well to review this program as he weans away from the U.S. and pursue an independent foreign policy,” he added.

Pond was arrested on Aug. 19 by the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) in Cebu City. – (davaotoday.com)

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