A statement demanding justice & accountability for the human rights violations victims in Talaingod

Mar. 15, 2008

The tremendous effects of the military operations on the children is very distressing. The death of two children in the course of the evacuation due to hunger manifests the vulnerable health condition of children which could be aggravated further in situations when hamletting of communities, combat operations and forcible evacuation happen.

In remote areas of Talaingod, there is an established trauma among children and adults alike because of the repeated militarization, hence, the conduct of military operations pose serious threats on the mental and physical health of the residents.

In a statement filed to the Commission on Human Rights Region XI at the wake of the reported human rights violations and intense military operations this year, the local residents as well as the community leaders of Talaingod stated that the attack on their areas is an attempt to dismantle Salugpungan, and the unity of the Ata-Manobos.

The residents reported that military categorically sought the surrender of Salugpongan leaders particularly Datu Guibang Apoga, who have earlier opposed the entry of another logging project under the Integrated Forestry Management Agreement/ Community Based Forestry Management project of a certain Mr. Joel Yamyamin who is negotaiating in behalf of a Dutch logging company.

As is known, Talaingod has a long history of struggle against military abuses and the encroachment of development projects. The people have long since resisted pseudo-development projects that would cause the destruction of their ancestral lands, the material basis of their socio-economic, political, and cultural existence as a people with a distinct way of living.

Since the 1990s, the Ata-Manobos of Talaingod, most especially those in the remote areas which are delineated as SALUGPONGAN (the local peoples organization composed of more than 80 communities) territory, has been gripped by military offensives which are mostly clearing operations for the entry of capitalist projects. And this year, the motives behind the military operations are the same, add to this the fact that clearing operations were conducted on January 3rd week in preparation for the inauguration of the Davao Del Norte- Bukidnon Road wherein President Macapagal Arroyo herself visited the province.

Amidst reports of military abuses and evacuation, the military particularly, the 73rd Infantry Battalion admitted that human rights violations were indeed committed by the Scout Rangers. Despite these, no just indemnification were given to the victims. It is a big mockery and injustice to consider that mere payment of the properties looted and destroyed, and mere admission of abuses would be enough indemnification.

Thus the mission team has come up with the following recommendations:

Recommendations & Call to action:

1. Delivery of justice for the victims by the actual prosecution of the perpetrators;
2. Genuine indemnification of victims;
3. Compliance to the Memorandum of Agreement executed between the Salugpongan Ta Tanu Igkanugon, the military and LGU that the military will not hold military operations in Salugpongan-declared territories in recognition of their rights to self-determination and rights over their ancestral lands;
4. The intervention of the local government units such as the municipal or barangay health workers for the sustained therapy of the children and women;
5. The sincere and thorough conduct of investigations by concerned agencies such as the Commission on Human Rights, the Provincial Peace and Order Council;
6. The investigation and due cancellation of reported logging permits attempting to operate in Talaingod despite the opposition from the tribe. #

Mission Conveners:

KADUMAHAN YOUTH, KABIBA, Children’s Rehabilitation Center (CRC), College Editors Guild of the Philippines, Urban Integrated Health Services, Community Based Health Services (CBHS), SILDAP, Gabriela, SEMREC, UCCP-SEMJUR, Farmers Association of Davao City, KARAPATAN, Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP), PCPR and KALUMARAN.




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