Apr. 08, 2014

News Release
April 8, 2014
Reference: Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares, 09178350459

Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares hit the Liberal Party for trying to obscure the MRT extortion issue and linking it to the 2016 elections and harassing Czech Ambassador Josef Rychtar.

“We did not expect the Liberal Party  (LP) to employ the usual defense used by politicians charged with corruption  and links it to the 2016 elections. But as it is we do not care if the ones involved are LP, Lakas-NUCD, NP or NUP, as long as there is corruption we will expose and oppose it. When we criticized Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for corruption it was not an attack against Lakas as her minions claim, in the same way that when we opposed the pork barrel we do not care if the administration or the opposition is involved,” said the senior deputy minority leader

“Now the LP is essentially accusing Czech Amb. Rychtar of being part of a scheme to harass the ruling party in view of the 2016 elections. This is a serious allegation which will further fuel the antagonism of the international community. We challenge those who say this to file charges against Amb. Rychtar if they have evidence that he; a foreigner is interfering in our local politics which is illegal under the Omnibus Election Code. Otherwise, Malacanang should stop LP members from claiming that this issue is a harassment case against the ruling party, because as it is Ambr. Rychtar is the one being harassed now by Malacanang,” ended Rep. Colmenares.

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