Insurgency Is The Solution, Not The Problem

Jan. 06, 2015

THERE’S no question that the people’s war  waged in the countryside  alongside the revolutionary mass movements in the urban areas is leveling up to advanced stages and has taken deeper and deeper roots among the broad masses of the people.  The toiling masses of workers, peasants and indigenous peoples, together with the patriotic youths and students and other progressive sectors and individuals in the cities have militantly supported and rallied behind the revolutionary actions waged by the armed revolutionaries against the reactionary forces of the government.   But the fascist military commanders of the Aquino government  keep on spitting lies to the sky even if  their sputum splatters on their faces as they  repeatedly  brag  that the forces of the NPA are diminishing.


The fascist officers  and commanders of the AFP should be advised that instead of stubbornly  pursuing their deceitful Oplan Bayanihan activities in the guise of peace and development programs, they had  better go after the narcotic drug lords and  traffickers.  It is the illegal drug trade that is  the real social menace — that is dragging the nation to damnation.  It  emasculates the moral strength and integrity of the nation’s young children.  It is the most virulent  pest  gnawing at the socio-politico-moral fiber of our society.  All  of  society’s conceivable  and imaginable crimes  practically  proceed from the drug menace.   Robberies, thefts,  rapes,  homicides, murders, massacres in their most shocking forms ever invented  in the history of Philippine gangsterism are perpetrated with impunity in the streets as much as in the sanctuary of public offices in high places.  All of these arise from crime syndicates associated with illegal  drug  trafficking. .

No less than the  entire government machinery and the full force of the armed security forces of the State ought to be harnessed for the total  extermination of this social menace.  But  State officialdom— politicians, bureaucrats, and military officers alike—abet its flourish for obvious personal gain.  And  they  point to rebels as a convenient scapegoat and blame the communist insurgency as the principal agent  of discord.

The  Insurgency— which should  be  better  called people’s war—is  not the problem.   On the contrary, it is the solution to the omnibus  problem  of the Filipino people.  It is the only social phenomenon that guarantees liberation of  Philippine society from the  scourges of age-old poverty and underdevelopment.  As a matter of fact,  the economic well-being of the peasant masses and the indigenous peoples within the guerrilla zones  maintained by the CPP-NPA  is effectively addressed with the implementation of  genuine agrarian reform.  What transpires in the areas controlled and maintained by the revolutionary forces of the CPP-NPA  is the microcosm of the future  national democratic society to be put up after victory is won in the ongoing revolutionary struggle.

  If it is really within the capability of the prevailing system of  government to solve the problems of Philippine society, it could have done so a long time ago.  Poverty and underdevelopment should have been a thing of the past.  Sixty eight years—from the birth of the Philippine Republic in 1946 up to the present—is a long long time.  What has caused the failure of the government from the time of Manuel A Roxas until the present  to liberate the Filipino nation from the socio-economic morass it has sunk into?  One wonders—is  the government   run by leaders who lack  brains required of a  pilot to direct  the Ship of State to national progress?

Experience is supposed to be the ‘best teacher’, as the adage tells us. But the Philippine experience is a manifest show of failure  by the prevailing system of government in bringing about progress  and prosperity.  It has  been the worst negative teacher to the national leadership of our  republic.  Or rather,  the long experience of manning the Philippine States has been one of anomalous, if not an entirely bizarre , tutorial experience.  Why so?  Because the Filipino leaders who have hitherto been schooled by their colonial teachers have been educated on a premise of puppetry that derives sustenance from corruption and self-aggrandizement rather than being inspired and  motivated by the ideals of nationalism and the paramount interest and welfare of the citizenry.

And from what class or sector are these so-called national leaders from?  Always from the big landlord and big comprador-capitalist classes.  Always they fail in governance.  But always they brilliantly succeed in amassing wealth themselves while in office.

The State bureaucracy has become a watering hole that provides for them grand opportunities for further enrichment.  Verily, the public office is a business office within whose walls secret deals in the nature of business contracts are made to the neglect of the public good.   It is a public trust only in the sense that the official considers himself entrusted with the function of contriving  most cleverly the ways of gaining personal wealth.  The public good is consigned to the devious advertising skills  of deception and cajolery.

But, who are the puppeteers?—one might ask.  It’s the American imperialists—so were they during the presidency of Roxas, so have they been through all the subsequent presidencies   until the  present regime of President Noynoy Aquino.  They have continuously enjoyed the bounties of our mineral resources, directing the economic, political and cultural policies of the Philippine puppet government at the expense of the Filipino people.  Their main interests have been to perpetuate the system of  puppetry  in our political system.  And unless this rotten system whereby the few pseudo-leaders shine as illustrious puppets in scornful hoodwink of true statesmanship,  the gaping divide between the few rich and  powerful vis-à-vis the great majority of  the masses in dire poverty will remain.

The sole hope for the people’s liberation from the bondage of deprivation and misery is the victory of the national democratic revolution now steadily advancing in the countryside. It is determined to win victory and to establish a genuine people’s republic that will insure economic uplift of the masses and push forward  Philippine society to development and progress.  The major features of its overall program includes a thoroughgoing agrarian reform and a nationalist industrialization.  Under the guiding ideal of national democracy with socialism as egalitarian basis for societal reconstruction  the people shall enjoy the fruits of development and progress under an atmosphere of national freedom and social justice.

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