NCCA allocates P35M on Mindanao 2017 arts and culture projects   | Davao Today
NCCA call for proposal 2016

Renee C. Talavera, section head- sub commission on cultural communities and traditional arts said that the NCCA allocated P35-million budget for arts and cultural project proposals from Mindanao. (Maria Patricia C. Borromeo/

DAVAO CITY—The National Commission of Culture and the Arts (NCCA) announced that Mindanao got the biggest chunk on the 2017 NCCA national budget for arts and culture projects.

With a budget of P35 million, the NCCA is searching for applicants who have arts and cultural proposals here in Mindanao to “continue to fulfill its mandate of preserving, developing and promoting of Philippine arts and culture by giving financial and technical assistance to arts and cultural projects.”

Renee C. Talavera, section head- sub commission on cultural communities and traditional arts said that the NCCA budget here in Mindanao would be allocated to 13 projects coming from those applicants whose arts and cultural proposal will be approved.

The 13 projects are:

  1. Support for Community-Managed Natural Heritage Conservation or Ecotourism Site Enrichment Projects with a project cost of P2 million
  2. Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Summit and Regional Assembly with a project cost of P2.1 million.
  3. Go, Go, Kultura Mindanao (#GGMM): Promoting Mindanao’s Culture, Arts and Heritage Program with a project cost of  P4.8 million.
  4. Mindanao Summit on Culture and Arts with a project cost of P3 million.
  5. “Kalilintad Mindanao”: Focused in Indigenous Dispute Resolution with a project cost of P1.5 million.
  6. Sub-regional festivals on Culture, Heritage and the Arts with a project cost of P4.2 million.
  7. Production of new creative works, cultural studies, and cultural exchange with a project cost of P6.9 million.
  8. ADAT Intervention Program/IP traditional justice system with a project cost of P700,000
  9. Mindanao’s Regional Culture and Arts Centers (Sentro ng Pangkulturang Bayan) with a project cost of P3.6 million.
  10. LAGDA MINDANAO: Assistance for Local Government Units  (LGU’s) on establishment of guidelines for built-environment with a project cost of P2 million.
  11. Mindanao indigenous creative response on disaster risk reduction and management with a project cost of P2 million
  12. Youth-oriented and Culture-focused Formation Program in the ARMM and IP communities with a project cost of P1 million.
  13. Mindanao Capability Building, Creative Skills share with a project cost of P1.250 million.

Talavera said that the NCCA has a set of two categories of proposal.

“Category A includes projects which have been conceptualized during the various levels of planning workshops by its various national committees following the identified needs of the locality and where specific outputs and deliverables had been defined,” she said.

Talavera said projects in this category will have three or more component activities.

“Proponents interested to implement projects under this category may submit a letter of intent while category B calls for project proposals conceptualized by proponents with due consideration to the important concerns cited in the project brief and aligned to the identified NCCA priorities and outcomes,” she said.

She said that deadline of submissions of letters of intent and proposals is on September 30. Proposals should be submitted to the Planning, Policy Formulation and Programming Division (PPFPD) led by its division chief, Bernan Joseph Corpuz, at Room 5-A, fifth floor, NCCA Building, 633 General Luna Street, Intramuros. (