DTI warns consumers of 12 'SCAMonsters' during Christmas holidays | Davao Today

DAVAO CITY, Philippines — The Department of Trade and Industry  warned consumers of the 12 types of scam activities during Christmas season.

Maria Belenda Q. Ambi. Ceso VI, regional director of DTI-XI urged the public to be vigilant about fraud and scam this holiday season.

“There are a lot of scammers especially during holidays because of money,” she said in a news conference here in Seda Hotel on Tuesday, Dec. 20.

1.  Fake charities

The Department warned the public to be careful and vigilant in trusting charities that ask for donations during yuletide holidays.

2.  Raffles during holidays

DTI asked the public especially to people who are active on social media to investigate first if the holiday raffle is true before giving any personal information.

3.  Unregistered Christmas sale

Consumers should ask first if Christmas sales in establishment have DTI permit to know if it is registered or not.

4.  Online gadget giveaways

DTI advised the public to be vigilant of any social media page that entice them to like, comment or share to win particular gadgets.

5.  Malicious online shopping website

The department identified that fake online shopping website usually have many advertisements, consumers usually get fake products or items.

6.  Seasonal travel scams

During holidays, DTI said there are travel promos that are very malicious for its promo rate. They added that travel promo scams usually posted on social media.

7.  Holiday decors gone wrong

DTI classified that these decors lacks the Import Commodity Clearance stickers which is the DTI’s seal of approval.

8.  Holiday “SMiSHing”

This scam or fraud happened by phishing through text messages stating that the person won a certain raffle with a DTI permit attached in the message. DTI announced that the receiver of the fraud can report to the National Telecommunication Commission.

9.  Networking/pyramid scams

This fraud is rampant not only during Christmas season, DTI advised that instead of joining networking or pyramid scams, they can avail DTI’s seminars or talks on investing.

10. Cyber Thief

DTI advised the public to be more cautious on giving personal information especially bank account numbers just to avail a gadget to avoid cyber thief.

11. Bogus gift certificates

The Department also warned the public not to receive gift certificates immediately from any unauthorized sellers in malls or any public places

12. ATM skimming

DTI named this fraud as the worst since it gives access to scammers on the personal information or bank account numbers of their victim.

Engr. Edwin O. Banquerigo, assistant regional director of the DTI-XI said that as of January, DTI received more than 180 complaints DTI from consumers.(davaotoday.com)