DOH asks parents, guardians to have their kids immunized vs Polio | Davao Today

DOH asks parents, guardians to have their kids immunized vs Polio

Sep. 20, 2019

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – The Department of Health (DOH) in Davao Region called on parents and guardians to ensure the immunization of their children, following the reemergence of Polio in the country.

“These vaccines have long been used in the Philippines, proven safe and effective and are given for free in all Health Centers,” the DOH-Davao said.

It explained that there’s no treatment for Polio, but it can be prevented through immunization. Thus, it will intensify the promotion of immunization in all communities, ensuring that all children under five years old will receive complete doses of immunization for Polio Virus, including three (3) doses of Oral Polio Vaccine and one (1) dose of Inactivated Polio Vaccine.

On Thursday, DOH announced a Polio outbreak after two cases were confirmed, one in Lanao del Sur and another in Laguna.

Polio virus has been detected in samples taken from sewage in Manila and waterways in Davao in a regular environmental surveillance.

A single confirmed case of vaccine-derived polio virus type 2 or two positive environmental samples that are genetically linked isolated in two different locations, according to DOH, is considered an epidemic in a Polio-free country. The Philippines was declared Polio-free by the World Health Organization in 2000.

DOH-Davao is currently in coordination with the City Health Office (CHO) for the surveillance of possible Polio cases in the city.

Polio is a highly infectious disease, which can cause paralysis, and death in rare occasions. It can spread from person to person through contact with feces infected with polio virus.

DOH has stressed the importance of ensuring clean and safe drinking water, as well as good hygiene. It also appealed to all local government units to ensure ‘Zero Open Defecation’ and correct disposal of human wastes. (