News Release
April 19, 2007
References: Ka Willy Marbella, internal deputy secretary general, KMP and ANAKPAWIS party list nominee
Carl Anthony Ala, public information officer
�Both the World Bank and Malacanang are wrong!�-KMP
More Filipinos are getting poorer by the day
At the Rural People�s Endorsement of ANAKPAWIS held at the Plaza Miranda today the militant peasant group Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) said that more and more Filipinos are getting poorer by the day because of the policies of globalization that the Macapagal-Arroyo government is implementing.
According to Ka Willy Marbella, internal deputy secretary general of KMP and ANAKPAWIS party list nominee, �Filipino families now would need at least P500 to get by the day and not a mere dollar or two. But it is sad to say that according to the most recent (2003) Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES), some 83% of Filipino households, or approximately 68 million Filipinos, are already living under $2 a day. This is way beyond what Gloria is saying that only 10.5 million Filipinos are living in abject poverty. T is obvious that Malacanang and the World Bank doctored their figures to hide the truth, but the tuth remains that manu Filipinos are getting poorer,�
�In fact one of the main illnesses being suffered by people today are stomach ulcers and hyper-acidity because they have nothing or little to eat and kidney problems because when they do get to eat, it is normally noodles, sardines or even just salt, food that have very high sodium content,� added Marbella.
�We want to change this trend and we hope that people can help us in doing so by electing people and party lists that really have their welfare at heart and would really stand up for the poor and the downtrodden. Candidates who are or would fight for land, food, decent wages, and rights� said the peasant leader.
�Of course, the people should also play a significant role in uplifting their lives and society because that is the key, an awakened people who will defend and safeguard their rights and uphold what is just. The masses are the decisive factor in history. They are the best deterrent against another dictator from immerging and in ousting the present one,� ended Marbella. # # #
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