- PLACARDS. Workers from various part of the country found time to relax after a series of activities on Thursday in the ongoing Kampuhan (camp out) in Mendiola, Manila. The placards displayed to signify the major issues that the workers demand from the administration of President Duterte, more particularly the end to contractualization, the implementation of national minimum wage and the lifting of martial law in Mindanao. (Alex D. Lopez/davaotoday.com)
- PASSERSBY. Students from nearby school walk in front of the "Kampuhan" (campout) of workers in Mendiola, Manila. The campout is joined by workers from various parts of the country for more than a week now to press for the end of contractualization and the lifting of martial law in Mindanao. (Alex D. Lopez/davaotoday.com)
- AT THE GATE. Workers from various parts of the country occupy an area of Mendiola in Manila particularly at the front gate of a university that leads towards Malacañang for a Kampuhan or campout to press the Duterte administration to end contractualization and the lifting of martial law in Mindanao. (Alex D. Lopez/davaotoday.com)
- DAVAO WORKERS. Among the participants to the ongoing Kampuhan (campout) in Mendiola, Manila are workers from Davao region, particularly from the Shin Sun Tropical Fruits Corporation and Freshmax Corporation who earlier demanded a face-to-face dialogue with President Rodrigo Duterteto to discuss the pressing issues of workers in Davao region. (Alex D. Lopez/davaotoday.com)
- PRIMARY DEMAND. End to contractualization is among the primary demands of the thousands of workers in the country, as posted in this streamer inside the ongoing Kampuhan (campout) in Mendiola, Manila. (Alex D. Lopez/davaotoday.com)
- MINIMUM WAGE. Implementation of a national minimum wage for workers and the end to neoliberal schemes being applied by capitalists in workplaces in the country are also being pushed by workers in the ongoing Kampuhan (campout) of workers in Mendiola, Manila. (Alex D. Lopez/davaotoday.com)
- PLACARDS. Workers from various part of the country found time to relax after a series of activities on Thursday in the ongoing Kampuhan (camp out) in Mendiola, Manila. The placards displayed to signify the major issues that the workers demand from the administration of President Duterte, more particularly the end to contractualization, the implementation of national minimum wage and the lifting of martial law in Mindanao. (Alex D. Lopez/davaotoday.com)
- PASSERSBY. Students from nearby school walk in front of the "Kampuhan" (campout) of workers in Mendiola, Manila. The campout is joined by workers from various parts of the country for more than a week now to press for the end of contractualization and the lifting of martial law in Mindanao. (Alex D. Lopez/davaotoday.com)