MILF supports fatwa vs violent extremism in Mindanao | Davao Today

DAVAO CITY, Philippines — The Moro Islamic Liberation Front backs the recent Shariah ruling or “fatwa” made by Bangasamoro Dal Al-Ifta (government body) against violent extremism in Mindanao.

The ruling last June 25 was signed by Bangsamoro Mufti, Sheikh Abuhuraira Abdulrahman Udasan.

Based on the ruling, the Bangsamoro Dar Al-Ifta sees the need to “fight violent extremism on the land and promotion of division among Muslims, as compliance with the injunction of the Quran and the Prophetic Tradition (Al-Hadith).

The fatwa also cited a portion of the Quran which reads: Allah says: “And do no evil nor mischief on the (face of the) land (Al –Baqarah: 60).”

It also cited a verse (Al-Qasas 77) which reads: “And seek no (occasion) for mischief on the land: For Allah loves not who do mischief.”

It added: “The Holy Prophet of Islam says: “Fight anyone who comes to you and your affairs to renounce allegiance or to sow discord among you (Narrated by Imam Muslim).”

In a statement, MILF Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim said they endorse and support the fatwa “without fear and reservation.”

Although the fatwa did not identify any particular group operating in Mindanao, the fatwa was issued on the 39th day of the fighting between the ISIS-inspired Maute group and government forces in Marawi City.

Ebrahim said the purpose of the fatwa must be pursued to ensure that violent extremism or radicalism “shall not take root in any part of our communities.”

“It has no basis whatsoever in any of the teachings of Islam. They are creating intrigue and are sowing terror. They are also thriving on the sufferings and hardships of (the) people,” he said.

The MILF leader encouraged their members to refuse giving sanctuary to “this brand of people.”

Meanwhile, Suara Bangsamoro also expressed support for the Islamic ruling against radicalism.

Jerome Succor Aba, national chairperson of Suara said: “The meaning of Islam is peace, violent extremism has no place in Islam.”

He added “Allah forbid killing innocent people. Jihad Fi sabillah (Struggle in the way of Allah), meaning protecting people from oppression, the Holy Quran 2:190 said ‘Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors’.”(