Conditional amnesty given to retired army man | Davao Today

Conditional amnesty given to retired army man

Aug. 26, 2008

The Merardo Arce Command-New People’s Army has granted a conditional amnesty to retired M/Sgt. Jose Manero and ordered his immediate release from custodial detention by the 1st Pulang Bagani Company-NPA.

This grant of conditional amnesty is based on his admission of guilt and issuance of a public apology for the crimes and serious violations of human rights he committed against the people and the revolutionary movement. These crimes and violations were committed when he was still on active duty as an enlisted personnel of the Philippine Army- Armed Forces of the Philippines and acted as detachment commander in various areas in Davao City and elsewhere, particularly in Barangay Callawa, Davao City.

The foregoing are the three conditions attached to the grant of amnesty:

1. That heretofore, he would not undertake any act that would harm the people, cause damage to their lives and livelihood and violate basic human rights, especially to workers and peasants.

2. That he would no longer engaged in armed and other hostile actions against the NPA and the revolutionary movement, whether individually or jointly with the AFP, PNP, Intelligence and paramilitary units of the GRP.

3. That he would be truthful to his admission of guilt and issuance of public apology hereinafter.

In the event that Jose Manero deliberately and directly violates any single provision of this conditional amnesty, the same shall be automatically revoked. And as a consequence, his name shall be reinstated in the NPA’s standing order for his re-arrest, trial and subsequent imposition of appropriate penalties consistent with the revolutionary legal system and judicial processes of the People’s Democratic Government.

With respect to the numerous victims of his past anti- people and counter-revolutionary actions which he committed as an AFP personnel directly serving the interests of the big landlord- comprador Lorenzo family, an indemnification is ordered. This indemnification is the responsibility of the Lorenzo family mainly because it is they who have principally and immensely benefited from Jose Manero’s services during a lengthy part of his tour of duty in the AFP.

The revolutionary forces hope that retired M/Sgt. Jose Manero would henceforth lead a life respectful of human rights, remold himself and disengage from further anti-people and counter-revolutionary undertakings.

(Sgd) Rigoberto F. Sanchez


Merardo Arce Command

Southern Mindanao Regional Operations Command

New People’s Army

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