'NO TO EPAL' CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) regional director Prescila Razon (center) launched the "Bawal ang EPAL Dito" campaign for the upcoming barangay elections. she warns incumbent barangay officials from tapping the deparment's 4Ps funds intended for indigents to woo votes.  Along with her is Department of  Interior and Local Government Assistant Regional Director Wilhelm Suyko (left) and Commission on Election Acting Regional Director Tomas S. Valera. (davaotoday.com photo by Ace R. Morandante)

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) regional director Prescila Razon (center) launched the “Bawal ang EPAL Dito” campaign for the upcoming barangay elections. she warns incumbent barangay officials from tapping the deparment’s 4Ps funds intended for indigents to woo votes. Along with her is Department of Interior and Local Government Assistant Regional Director Wilhelm Suyko (left) and Commission on Election Acting Regional Director Tomas S. Valera. (davaotoday.com photo by Ace R. Morandante)

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