Sta. Cruz adopts GAD focal point system | Davao Today

Sta. Cruz adopts GAD focal point system

Jun. 19, 2015

DAVAO CITY – Sta. Cruz Municipal Mayor Joel Ray L. Lopez signed an ordinance that creates and organizes the local government unit’s (LGU) Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System on Monday.

GAD Focal Point System is an interacting and interdependent group of people in all government instrumentalities tasked to catalyze and accelerate gender mainstreaming.

In a Philippine Information Agency dispatch, Lopez issued Executive Order No. 09 “to prescribe policies and procedures in mainstreaming gender perspective in local planning, programming and budgeting”.

This is pursuant to Republic Act 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women to strengthen the efforts of the local and national government in view of its commitment to provide equal opportunities for the Filipino women.

On June 17-19, the LGU has assembled its local leaders and heads of offices for the three-day GAD Planning and Budgeting for the next year.

GAD Program has a five-percent of the overall annual appropriation as the budget allocation. (Diana C. Tomale/