Arroyo sold the Filipino people to Obama -- NPA | Davao Today

Arroyo sold the Filipino people to Obama — NPA

Aug. 21, 2009

“It’s a case of the puppet meeting her puppet master, the former desperately asking the latter to renew already rotting strings for her horrific puppet show to go on,” Antonio Nerio Antao Command – New People’s Army (ANAC-NPA) Front 15 spokesperson Dyomabuk Kadyawan said, describing Gloria Arroyo’s recent meeting with US President Barack Obama.

“Arroyo,” Kadyawan said, “Once again, in her uniquely coquettish manner, presented herself before Obama as one of the best, if not the best, running dog for US imperialism this side of Southeast Asia.”

Over and above talks of crushing terrorism, curbing the world financial crisis, and begging for more aid, Arroyo’s posturing as the best dog any super-power can buy is a well-choreographed dance in her plan to cling to power.

“Arroyo is at that stage when she will do anything now to convince White House to keep the leash fastened around her neck,” Kadyawan pointed out.

Arroyo will, to entice the master and allow her to keep her post, sacrifice national patrimony in the name of bogus development and total foreign ownership by way of charter change.

In other words, having spoken with Obama, she once again sold our people to the imperial interest of the United States, much to the delight of course of profit-hungry capitalists who are still reeling from the impact of the recent financial downturn and are desperately seeking for a way out.

No different from her predecessors, Arroyo was again the eager scout reprising the role of a gun-toting, macho anti-terror czar this part of Asia, promising Philippine military support to US forces, especially now that the global war on terror may take the shift from the Middle East to North Korea.

This anti-terror dance continues, of course, as long as aid is forthcoming, both as a treasure chest for fresh military arsenal and a fat source for corruption.

“Apart from bragging about putting an end to extremists with Al-Qaeda links in the country (which is not likely to happen any time soon),” Kadyawan said, “she reported achievements on and made fantastic scenarios about finally crushing the 40-year communist movement, to Obama’s joy.”

Kadyawan, however, countered this. stressing that the NPA, which is under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), is resolved to win this revolution by way of intensified tactical offensives and a far-reaching people’s movement, frustrating both Arroyo and Obama.

“There is no slowing us down,” Kadyawan concluded, “because the CPP-NPA-NDF is stronger than ever and local and international conditions are favorable in achieving considerable revolutionary victory!”

For reference:

Dyomabuk Kadyawan


Antonio Nerio Antao Command

Front 15 operations Command

New People’s Army-Southern Mindanao

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